Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Things That Make Me Happy

1) The sound my dog makes when she eats cereal I've dropped on the floor

2) My first sip of green tea when it's a little too hot, but not too hot to drink.

3) Waking up in the middle of the night and being COLD. I'm always hot when I sleep, so being cold when I sleep is the greatest.

4) Cherry vanilla soy cream (especially the chunks of cherry).

5) Riding my bicycle on any summer day, and especially any summer night.

6) Being thirsty and remembering that I carry my Nalgene everywhere with me.

7) Walking through Schenley Park late at night (and especially going to my secret place in the park).

8) Going to the outdoor movies in Schenley during the summer (even crappy movies are great when you're lying on a picnic blanket and eating a Scooter Crunch).

9) When the police chopper flies overhead during the movies and the lights startle everyone and you catch a glimpse of faces that are otherwise invisible in the darkness

10) Being surprised with dinner when I get home frome work

11) Being reminded that my old friends still think about me

12) Great Lake Swimmers

13) Peepers (they're really summer frogs, but I call them peepers).

14) The tradition of making homemade sangria every summer, and then having an excuse to invite my close friends over to share it with me (usually for several weekends in a row).

15) The homamade apple cider tradition that we started this year.

16) Dicsovering that allspice comes from a berry! (courtesy of the cider recipe)

17) Hearing my Grandaddy's voice

18) Remembering the way my grandpa laughed when he watched Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

19) Getting enough sleep

20) Picnics - even if they're only with canned tuna and pieces of cheese.

21) Swinging on the swingset at Anderson playground

22) Getting at least 8 hours of sleep

23) Running a good 3 miles and having the energy to run more

24) Christmas lights (especially those on the Ronald McDonald houses).

25) Laying on a blanket on the beach and falling asleep in the sun.

26) Forcing my fellow vacationers to turn off the central air in the beach house and taking it back old school by opening up all of the windows and turning on all of the ceiling fans.

27) Salad with homemade ginger dressing

28) Salad with Greek dressing (especially from Ali Baba and Aladdin's)

29) Any fresh salad!

30) To be continued (refer to #19).

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