Monday, June 2, 2008

Question: How Many Liberal Arts Majors Does it Take to Program a Heart Rate Monitor?

Answer: I don't know yet.

(Nike Imara HRM)

It is a very, very cool piece of equipment with too-cool-for-school instructions.

In other news, I got sick at work today. It was not at all awesome like getting sick in grade school school used to be. I was sitting in a meeting and all of a sudden I felt a vaguely familiar sensation. "This feels odd," I said to myself. "What does this feel like? Hmm. This feels kind of like having a fever, if I remember correctly. Hang on, wait, yeah, no--yes, I've actually got a fever." And then the room started swaying a little bit and I had to apologize and leave the meeting.

I promptly came home and went to sleep, which is exactly what I am about to do again right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The answer, my dear, is a number too obscure that you wouldn't know it.