Thursday, May 29, 2008

Slow Burn

So I just came back from a run. It wasn't a big run, or a hard run. I just did a mile medium/hard and then a mile of fartleks. Not grueling but worthy of enough effort to justify spending my (currently tiny amount of) free time doing it.

So I walk into my house and my downstairs neighbor, who I will call "Hank," and I start chatting about various things (drilling, cell phones, moleskin notebooks, family) and he pauses to show me his new briefcase (re: Swiss Army messenger bag). As he was showcasing the versatile mesh pockets, I said "What's it mean if your hips hurt after you run?" He looked up at me with a cocked eyebrow and said, "it means you haven't run in awhile."

"It's only been two weeks!"
(with a little bit of judgment) "That's enough."

Hey now, "Hank!" We can't all be Eagle Scout marathoners with sick distance times even though we smoke like a chimney and eat nothing but red meat and potatoes with the occasional capellini aglio olio.

Or can we?

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