Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dear PAT, I Hate You.

Today it took me 2 1/2 hours to get home from work. I fell. I missed several buses. I wasn't let onto a bus I was running for and got the driver-favorite shrug that says "what can I do?" and "screw you" at the same time. A driver wouldn't let me off of a bus. And, the PAT customer service line had a busy signal for a straight hour. I'd go into details but then I'd get all riled up and no one really cares because this has happened to everyone in one fashion or another... except that I think my coat is ruined, I definitely sprained my foot (minor), and I rediscovered (IN FULL FORCE) my hatred of the Port Authority. The icing on the cake was being sprayed with coffee-colored sludge by the 30 million buses that zoomed past me that weren't the buses I was waiting for. And I lost my gloves somewhere. And oh yeah, it took me 2 1/2 freakin hours to get home today.

The only bright spot in this whole day was helping an older woman cross the street.

When I reached for her hand, she took mine and confided that she "should have kept [her] ass home today, but Bobby needs his prescription."

Oh Pittsburgh, you push me away and push me away, but your unparalleled charms will always pull me right back into your big stinky embrace.

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